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YWednesday 14 May 2008
Photo's from days ago. Includes, my brother's, me and a whole lotta laughter.

The New Product endorsers of ZOOM IN!

A Dash of Laughter and whole lotta Sun.



YTuesday 13 May 2008
Hello to all summer lovers!

Well my life has been totally stressfull caused by MYE and some other things like someone really close to you suddenly drifting apart from you and friends whom you want to be friends with is avoiding you.
I just want everything to be back to normal, all of us hanging out together, having fun, having good laughs and most of all having a healthy and happy friendship together.
Our friendship means a lot to me and i dont want this to stop just because of ( i dont even know the reason, this is how sudden it is).
Do you guys know how it feels to be ignored like taking to iniative to talk to you guys but you guys just basically ignore me and continue talking like im invicible and like im a total stranger.
But what do i do i still try to talk to you guys whenever i can but i too have a limit and i just cant be taking all this and nothing is happening.
I just hope that we call all talk this true, tell me what did i do wrong and i will apologise and i wont do it again but how can everything go back to normal if you wont tell me what is wrong?
sometimes i think that maybe you guys just dont wanna be friends anymore cause you guys should tell me so that i wont feel like a loser waiting around but im always hoping for the best.

On a lighter note im starting to play piano again and im having fun doing so and i will be posting pictures that i took during my bored moments. so yeah.



YSaturday 10 May 2008
Hello to all Summer Hotties.
Photo's that were taken during boredom moments. haha.
Will be blogging more after MYE.

Summer Fling.




Y The Girl

Krisha Maree 12 March

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